This has definitely been a very tiring time, especially after hitting 32 weeks. I'm always telling people I don't mind being pregnant, in fact I really enjoy it. What is making it hard for me is the fact that I have to get up at 5:30 and teach 4-5 year olds all day! By about 11:30, I'm done and ready for a nap! It's hard to keep going for the rest of the day, let alone find the energy for the evenings. But, luckily Spring Break is just around the corner and that will be my time to relax!!
I had the fun opportunity to co-host a good friend, Erin's, shower at my house. It wasn't so hard to host at 31 weeks as it was hard to clean the day before!!! Good thing it was the weekend it was, otherwise one more week and my big belly would have prevented me from getting on all fours to scrub the floors! It was a beautiful shower and we played some really fun, non-traditional shower games. Afterward, my brother, Bridg, Lincoln and my Mom and Doug came over for an Oscar party. Whose great idea was it to do back-to-back get-togethers?? I ended up laying on the couch the entire time while Bridg made us dinner and my mom cleaned. Maybe that's why I had them over :)?
Here's the one pic I remembered to take at the very end of the shower, just before everyone left...
The mama-to-be with my co-hostesses - Lo (21 weeks), Erin (34 weeks) & Lawrence.
Last weekend we went to Bend to hang out with Brian's family. We figured this would be the last weekend before the little guy comes. We went to a few baby stores, got to watch a few movies and also got to sleep - a perfect weekend for a preggo lady! We also found the reusable diapers (Fuzzibunz - love the name!!) that we're going to use at a resale shop for less than half the price! Definitely a productive trip! And again, no pics...
People keep asking if I'm "nesting" yet. I tell them that if you know me, I'm always nesting, whether I'm preggo or not. I feel like I'm always getting ready for something, so to have the little one coming soon doesn't feel like anything different than planning our wedding, a bachelorette party, bridal shower, big trip, New Year's Eve, or other big event we have coming up. We've had every weekend planned since I pulled out the 2010 calendar in January! So maybe I'm just a "nester" by nature!
Alright, I'm going to end this post by including some funny Pre-K comments. These guys crack me up all day and I wish I could remember everything they have said. They definitely make life much more interesting!!
* A few days ago, one of the Pre-Kers passed gas while we were out in the hallway. Not an unusual thing - they're 4/5, it happens more than I would like :). But on this day, one of them detected the scent and decided to proclaim to anyone listening in the hallway, "Hey, Mrs. George's baby just farted!" Of course they all believed what she said, because...why not?? I just smiled and didn't deny it. Sorry, little guy - I will definitely defend you more after you're born. This was just too cute to not say anything :)
* Another daily thing I look forward to are the belly massages I receive throughout the day. They not only love to comment at how BIG he is getting, but they can't keep their hands off of him! And not only massages, but also kisses. A few of them have decided that they need to kiss my belly each day before leaving. They give me a hug and then my belly a kiss. This little guy is definitely loved!
* They also include him in the count of our class. Since they are all eye-level with the expanding belly, I think it's just natural for them to think he's an actual citizen of our class. When counting how many boys/girls we have, it's always, "7 boys and 4 girls". They sometimes include me in the count, but it's usually him who is first aknowledged.
I love the pre K er comments. Way too cute! Think of how excited they will all be when he actually gets here. Looking forward to this weekend!