Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Wonderland

It was so nice to be in snowy Central Oregon again this year for Christmas. There's something about being surrounded by snow during the holidays that makes it feel even more festive :)

Out on a stroll in the snow with the doggies.

Brrrrr! Warming up by the fire after we returned.

We definitely took advantage of the cold weather by doing some fun, snowy activities. On Friday, while Brian went skiing with his cousin Josh, Doug, Bridg and her brother Brendan, Little Man and I went into Sunriver so that Emma could try ice skating for the first time.

Emma and her cousin Sammy, ice skating in Sunriver!

Wishing he could be out there, too. By the way he's cruising around lately, I'm sure he'll be out there in no time!

And then we lucked out with even more snow on Christmas as all of Brian's family joined my family in Sunriver for dinner. The boys played their own version of Snow Frisbee Golf while the rest of us snuggled up inside their warm cabin. I think the boys may have found a new tradition!

I know we are not in this pic, but still thought it was a great one to put in our blog! The Danners, Donaldsons and Beasleys outside their Sunriver cabin. The other pic I really wanted to get was of the snowpeople Karen and Lincoln built. They were the most creative snowpeople I have ever seen!

We were supposed to leave Sunday, but after realizing we would be going back home to the rain, we decided staying in the winter wonderland one more day was necessary. Plus, it gave us more time to hang out with Brian's cousins. And gave Brian and I another parent night out!

Brian's cousin Sammy, sister Michelle and I outside a new brewery in Bend.

Cousins Josh & Sammy, Ryan (yes, that's his real beard - trying to compete with Brian this year! Shortly after we got home that evening, the beard was gone!) & Michelle, Brian & I waiting for our table as we hung by the outside fire.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

First Christmas!

We celebrated Little Man's first Christmas in Bend this year with both sides of the family. We stayed with Brian's sister and family along with his parents who traveled over from Montana. My parents also came over to Central Oregon and rented a house in Sunriver with Trav, Bridg and her parents and brother. It was so nice to have everyone so close!

Just like his previous presents, he was most excited about eating the wrapping paper and boxes. I tried to show him how exciting the rest of the gifts were, but he was more attracted to the shiny paper. Maybe next year! :)

Christmas Eve:

All dressed up for Christmas Eve dinner with Brian's family - I love how dapper Eli looks in his blazer!

Emma made us all placement cards - even Tristan had one at his high chair!

Eating his dinner of green beans - yum!

Christmas Eve photo opp - cousins in their Chrismtas jammies!

Christmas morning:

LOVE Eli's hair!

Opening a present from cousin Emma

See, the box is half the present for Little Man!

These two are going to have so much fun together in the coming years!

Mama & son photo opp

Little Man exhausted after his first Christmas morning!

Christmas dinner:
After an eventful morning, we then went over to the Donaldson/Danner/Beasley Sunriver cabin for Christmas dinner.

Lincoln's present from the Goodys/Georges - a tent, backpack sleeping bag and flashlight! He'll be able to set up this tent inside his parent's hotel tent while camping next summer!

All the kids trying out the tent

Lincoln and Eli patiently waiting for Grandma Beasley to give them glow-in-the-dark bracelets. Between those, the balloons and the tent - they had a lot to keep them busy in the Sunriver cabin!

Cute little boys - it was fun for them to meet :) It's great that Tristan has two boy cousins on both sides of the family who are so close in age!

Lincoln helping Papa open his present.

Nice try, Papa! Way to try and sneak that one in! But it looks like the joke's on you! How did your Huskies do this year?!

I just had to include all three of these pics - trying to get both boys looking at the camera at the same time is next to impossible! But they are so adorable!

More Christmas pics:

With Aunt Michelle and cousin Emma

Grandma George!

The three cousins patiently sitting for yet another photo opp!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside!

As part of the fun holiday festivities with Grandpa and Great-Grami, we also went to the Grotto to check out their Festival of Lights. Since it was an all-outdoor festival, we really lucked out with the weather. Super cold, but no rain. We'll take that any day in Portland!

Bundled up for the cold night!

Full moon watching over the Grotto (perfect viewing night for the lunar eclispe - too bad we didn't get to see it though - and it sounds like the next one won't be for another 400 years!). This is such a beautiful and peaceful place. One of my favorite things to do around Christmas time is listen to holiday music. When it is sung by angelic-sounding choirs, it is even better! We got to listen to two choirs sing in the chapel - what amazing voices they had!

There was even a petting zoo. Tristan loved reaching out to all the animals. He didn't seem too intimidated by the big animals - probably because he has his own petting zoo at home with B&B!

After looking at the lights and listening to the choirs, we went up north to Vancouver to watch the holiday ships on the Columbia. Talk about trying to pack in as much as possible into a Christmas time period! As the post title says, it was cold outside - so much so that I didn't dare dig around for the camera. We saw a few ships then went inside the nearest restaurant for some warmth and food and called it a success. Next year, I think we'll be a little smarter and make a reservation in one of these restaurants so we can view the sailing ships while also enjoying the inside climate.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Four Generations - Part Deux

We got to start our Christmas celebrations early this year with the arrival of Grandpa Danner and Great-Grandma Jones (also known as Grami). They came into town over the weekend to spend part of the holidays with their two favorite grandsons.

Both Tristan and Lincoln have never met Grami, so this was an extra special occasion. We began the holiday festivities by having brunch and opening a few presents. This was also the first time Little Man got to open gifts. And how exciting it was! I'm not sure if it was the present he was excited for, or the chance to eat the wrapping paper and gift boxes. Either way, he enjoyed his first experience!

Four generations of Danners

Love these little boys in their matching sweater vests! I promise we don't plan their outfits - it just happens that they match so often!

Of course Little Man's first present was a Ducks' jersey - hmmmm...foreshadowing his future alma mater?

Friday, December 17, 2010

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...

Well, I guess Little Man was good this year because not only is he getting his two bottom teeth but he's getting his two top teeth as well! This song definitely applies to him this year - x2!!

Little blurry, but you get the idea :)

Happy 7 month, Big Baby T!!

So, if I thought there was a lot of change between 5-6 months, it doesn't compare to the amount of growth between 6-7 months! Here is why:
* He can now pull himself up and "walk" along the furniture
* He now has four teeth coming through!
* He is still army crawling, but does it just as fast as if he were crawling the "regular" way
* He loves to "talk" which basically either sounds like he is ET or from Jurassic Park.
* He can give "high-fives". I don't think he quite understands what they are for, but it's fun to see him so excited after he gives one!
* He loves to hang out in his high chair. It's not just used as a place to eat, it has now become where he plays while Mom or Dad make dinner and clean the kitchen.

As you can see, our lives just got a lot busier!! It's crazy how he went from a dependent baby, to a more independent little one. It's also fun to see his personality develop more and more. And to see how curious and inquisitive he is :)

Also, here are some stats from his 6 month appointment (which was really closer to 7 months):
Weight - 19.5 lbs - 70.85%
Length - 26.75 in - 44.36%
Weight/Length - 89.8%
Head - 17.75 in - 75%
His weight and length have gone down in percentage from the last appt. I was surprised by how little weight he had put on. It's probably due to his active lifestyle now!

Not too sure what to think of sweet potatoes

Showing off his standing skills

Look ma, one hand!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

'Tis the Season

We had another weekend full of holiday activities! Not sure if it's just me, or if everyone seems to be more into the holiday spirit this year. We have so many holiday plans that it really keeps things exciting around here!

We started these festivities by going to our holiday work parties. Both Brian and I had them on the same night, so Little Man came with me first. Tristan was so excited to meet his future little lady friend, Ellie Baumbach! We look forward to many more playdates with her!

I told you the red sweater was going to make a repeat appearance! I'm trying to get as many wears as possible because come January, it will (sadly) never be worn again!

Tristan and my principal Rose really hit it off at the party!

We continued the holiday activities by going on the Polar Express train ride in Hood River. My Mom & Doug came down for the weekend and brought Lincoln to join in on the fun. It didn't turn out exactly how we had wanted since we were all split up into two different cars. Mom, Doug and Lincoln were in one car without a camera to capture Lincoln's first encounter with Santa while Brian, Tristan and I were in another with the camera even though Little Man was just a little too young to fully enjoy what he was seeing. Oh well. I think next time we will find something a bit closer to Portland and make sure we can all experience it together!

Looking out at the snowy scenery

No red sweater this time. Dad picked out this outfit - not too bad!

Not too sure what to think about this hairy man we call Santa :)

Jingle Bells

And then Saturday night, Mom & Doug kindly offered to babysit so that Brian and I could go out for our fourth solo night together. We first stopped by to say farewell to our good friends who are about to tour the world for the next year and a half. How do you send off friends who are about to embark on this kind of adventure? By posing for group pictures, including trying to make an adult pyramid, of course! Pictures to follow, I promise!

We then went to Hillary & Drew's annual cocktail party. Since Arctic Blast '09 kept us from going last year, we were determined to make it this year. And of course, it was a great time had by all. Can't believe we were able to rally and make it to two parties - haven't done that since our pre-preggo days!!

Mom & Dad night out! Technically, I guess this would have been our third party. We tried to make it to Kevin's CD release party, but missed his band by over an hour. Oops...

Apparently Sam heard "cheesy" instead of "cheese".

Here is what Tristan was up to while Mom & Dad were out :)