Bundled up for the cold night!
Full moon watching over the Grotto (perfect viewing night for the lunar eclispe - too bad we didn't get to see it though - and it sounds like the next one won't be for another 400 years!). This is such a beautiful and peaceful place. One of my favorite things to do around Christmas time is listen to holiday music. When it is sung by angelic-sounding choirs, it is even better! We got to listen to two choirs sing in the chapel - what amazing voices they had!
There was even a petting zoo. Tristan loved reaching out to all the animals. He didn't seem too intimidated by the big animals - probably because he has his own petting zoo at home with B&B!
After looking at the lights and listening to the choirs, we went up north to Vancouver to watch the holiday ships on the Columbia. Talk about trying to pack in as much as possible into a Christmas time period! As the post title says, it was cold outside - so much so that I didn't dare dig around for the camera. We saw a few ships then went inside the nearest restaurant for some warmth and food and called it a success. Next year, I think we'll be a little smarter and make a reservation in one of these restaurants so we can view the sailing ships while also enjoying the inside climate.
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