Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas from Bend/Sunriver!!

We made our fourth annual trip over to Bend for Christmas and stayed with Aunt Michelle, Uncle Ryan and cousins Emma & Eli since Grandma & Grandpa George were also there. My parents, along with Trav, Bridg, Lincoln, Bridgit's parents and brother also made the trip to Central Oregon and got a house together for the second year in Sunriver. We were spoiled once again to have all the family in one place to celebrate the holidays! We all got together on Christmas Eve for dinner and games - I hope this tradition continues!
We also had to do flannel shirt pic with all the families. From top: the Georges, expanded George family, the Danner/Donaldson crew, expanded D/D crew, the Beasley family, the whole George/Goody/Donaldson/Danner/Beasley crew! Poor Brian, always seems to get cut off in many pictures :)
Cousins destroying a good game of rummikub
I guess someone is loving the chili??!
Holiday paparazzi
Santa even came for a visit before his busy night began!
Santa Tristan
Santa Stella
Back at the Goody household later that night, we had to get our annual Christmas Eve cousin jammies pic
Jammies pic on Christmas morning with all the loot!
Eli, the superhero
Even though T had many presents to open, after finding this in his stocking, he was pretty much done for the day - we basically had to beg him to open all the other gifts!
Finally giving in to opening a few others :)
T showing off two presents that Mom is super stoked about - a John Deere tractor and a "coonskin" hat - thanks Grandpa George!!
Their favorite drawer!
Making sure the Jeep is running well for cousin Eli
On a Christmas walk around the Goody neighborhood with Eli - he was a mad man on his Stride bike!
He could ride down the steep hills as if it wasn't a big deal!!
T trying to get a turn - I think I know what will be at the top of his birthday list now :)
In downtown Bend after Christmas with Grama, Papa & Lincoln
Walking around downtown Bend with G&G George What a great time we had once again in Bend/Sunriver! We love these visits with family!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cocktail Party by night, Ornament Exchange by day

Last weekend we went to the Ryans' annual Holiday Cocktail Party. Trav & Bridg very nicely watched T so that we could have a little bit of adult time.
Trac, Lawrence, Brittni & I at the Ryans' casa. Also showing the "bump" at 23 weeks.
Then the next day, we went over to Ali's for our girls' 12th annual Ornament Exchange. Definitely a different scene than the night before!
Having a tea party with Aubrey
I really don't care for this picture of me, but thought I should include it as it shows our growing bumps and our growing boys :) Here we are at 24 & 23 weeks
These three really loved saying goodbye to each guest as they left for the night. SO sweet!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

'Tis the Season!

Here are some miscellaneous pics of our holiday activities...
Since Trav & Bridg have watched Tristan a few weekends in a row so that Brian and I could attend various holiday events, we decided to have a payback night so that they could also go out. This night turned out to be a great photo opp night as the boys, coincidentally, wore the same PJs! Of course we had to also put them in front of the Christmas tree with matching tractors :) We ended up turning this picture into an ornament to give to the grandparents. Super cute!
LOVE this picture - T has been taking Santa from his perch on a side table and putting him on the windowsill every time he wants to see what's going on outside. Apparently he thinks Santa may also enjoy the view :)
After many failed attempts at a Christmas card pic, we decided to try once more in our ridiculous holiday outfits we wore to friend, Jaime's holiday sweater party. This one made the cut to go on the Christmas card!
This winter has brought us many beautiful sunsets. My pics never seem to look as good as the actual scene, but I was able to capture a few that almost did this sunset justice.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

22 weeks!

Hard to believe that we are over halfway through this pregnancy! It definitely seems to be going pretty fast! Luckily, I haven't really had as many skin issues as I had with Tristan, except for one incident at the beginning. Maybe it's because I've been pretty proactive with keeping on top of it that I haven't experienced anything close to what I did before. SO glad for that! One thing I've noticed that is also different is that I have a bigger sweet tooth than I normally do. I've always loved my share of sweets, but this is getting ridiculous!! I've tried to stay on the healthy side, but pretty hard when there are sweets at school, grocery store, etc. to entice a preggo lady. I especially LOVE a frozen yogurt treat and soda for some strange reason. I have a feeling this is going to be a battle I'm going to have for the next several months! No pics for this posting, but haven't "grown" too much since the 18 week posting.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Zoo Lights

After getting our Christmas tree and seeing Santa, we decided to pack in one more holiday event and check out Zoo Lights later that night, something we had heard so much about but had never experienced ourselves. We knew T love to see the large setup of lights at the zoo and be able to ride the zoo train as well. What we didn't realize was just how crowded this event would be and how COLD!! But I guess that's what happens when you go one of the opening weekends on a Saturday night! Lesson learned...go on a weeknight next year and bundle up even more!
Finally got onto the zoo train after an hour and a half of waiting in line! Good thing there was a parking lot of strollers to entertain us while waiting and lights along the way - otherwise, I'm not sure we would have all made it!


Wow, what a busy weekend we had! After getting our tree on Saturday, T & I also went to see Santa at Grama's company family holiday party. Santa arrived (appropriately enough) in an Alaska jet and hung out in the large airplane hangar where there were activities galore for all the families - face painting, balloons, ring toss, cotton candy, etc. The boys loved sword fighting with their balloon swords the best!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

O Christmas Tree

This weekend we went to our favorite Christmas tree farm to get our tree. We found this place by random four years ago and have been back each year since then. Each tree is groomed to perfection - it's hard not to make a good choice!
T & I & the bump :)
T found his tree - I think we need to wait a few more years before it would fit in our living room :)
Our tree! See what I mean about tree perfection?!