Here are some highlights of our sweet Sissy at 11 months:
*She is a walker!!! We knew it would be early, but didn't realize it would be this soon! Keeping up with her is now a full-time job! We still don't have baby gates up or baby locks on the cabinets, so I spend most of my day chasing her around everywhere or trying to go on walks as much as possible to avoid the chase. I'm thinking Talia-proofing is in our future!
*Since she is now everywhere, she particulary loves getting into cupboards. Especially the spice cabinet where she loves to chew the labels off every spice we own. Strange, I know. It's not like I encourage this behavior, but when I'm making dinner, it's sometimes easier to let her destroy the spices than to clean up the mess every 5 seconds. Hopefully I will able to recognize each spice since I can't read off the bottles anymore!
*She also loves to imitate sounds, songs and tries to emulate words. She'll look closely at who is speaking and then try and say what they're saying. Pretty sweet :)
*She is also trying to say "dog". She loves to "pet" Bella and will say, "do-", trying hard to finish the word. If I ask her where the dog is, she'll go to Bella and say her version of dog. Love it!
*Now that she is mobile, she also loves to be chased. It's pretty cute to see her run away from the chasee, giggling and screaming :)
*And she loves the playroom. I try to keep her out of it since there are a lot of small toys that she loves to put in her mouth, but that is the first place she'll go if one's not watching. So I end up in there with her a lot of the time. Tristan likes it though, because it means more play time with mom :)
*She also LOVES to make her brother laugh. Especially in the bathtub or in the car. She is a busy little girl and with her splashing and moving around, it cracks her brother up constantly. She'll also make sounds or funny movements in the car which also makes Tristan laugh and then she'll keep repeating it for more reactions from him. I'm loving how interactive they are!
*She still loves giving kisses, hugs and most recently, gentle "head bumps". Her way of showing affection. She especially loves to give these to her big cousin, Emma.
*She also started to "dance" when music of any kind is playing. She'll be in the middle of something, hear a tune and start bobbing up and down. Love it :)
*She has also begun to really form an attachment to her dad. I love this because she has always been so reliant on me. But recently, if her dad walks by without picking her up and showing her a few moments of attention, she'll freak out. It gives me a little bit of a break, even if for only a few minutes.
*She is still having mini-tantrums every once in awhile. If something is taken away from her, head will be thrown back, resulting in her crashing her head onto the ground. Sometimes she'll start with her hands on her face, then throw herself back. Yikes...
*She also "bonks" her head and falls more often than Tristan ever did at this age. She seems to be pretty adventurous which explains how often she falls. She has more scratches, bruises and skinned knees than I thought an 11 month old would have! Good thing it's still cold outside and we can cover those with leggings :)
*She also seems to know the word no and knows what not to get into. Yet, she still does it. She'll sit in front of an open cupboard, knowing she shouldn't go into it, then wait for me to notice and when I say no, she'll giggle and start pulling things out. She doesn't realize that I'm in no mood to play that game :)
Here are some pictures of our smart, loving, funny, spirited and full-of-life, Talia. We love you so much! You bring so much light to our lives!
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