Things he really likes to say are: "Mom, mom, mom" (in a man voice until I come right away - for some reason this is the only word he says that is a few octaves lower than all of his other words :); "B" which stands for bird and Lincoln (for some strange reason); "poop" in a sideways-mouth kind of way - he especially likes to point out the poop in the backyard or if he has some of his own and then makes a "eewwwww!!!" sound right after that; "pirate" in a very pirate way whenever he wants me to find a YouTube clip for him; "cheeeeese" whenever there is a camera around; "pease" & "dank dou" please & thank you; "Mom, all done" any time he wants me to take something away from him, whether at the table, in the car, playing in the playroom, etc.; "truck! bus! train!" any time we're driving and he sees one of these on the freeway; "bye, bye boon" whenever we drive by a certain car lot on the way home that always has balloons floating around; "ball" & "bat" a few of his favorite things; "keekees" (kitties) which he is in love with right now; among many other words/phrases.
Things he really likes to do:
Navigate YouTube on the iPad to find clips of Jake and Never Land Pirate Band, Choo Choo Soul as well as kitties.
Playing with trucks, buses and trains.
Playing with his big cousin Lincoln who he so admires.
Playing with the saxophone or other musical instrument he has.
Riding Bella.
Reading stories, especially about dogs, kitties, or trucks.
Giving high fives and knuckles.
Brushing his teeth!
T with buds Nick & Leah Zervis watching a kids band at Mississippi PizzaTrue storyTrying to convince that he's ready for a big boy bike for his birthday :)
Love these videos, but please excuse the cut-off shirt and very messy playroom. Super embarrassed by the outfit and mess, but had to share the videos because they are super cute :)
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