Last weekend, Trac, Lawrence, Lyndsey and I all went out for a much-needed ladies night to a great roof-top restaurant apart of The Nines in downtown Portland. As amazing as this place was, the best decision we made was to leave that classy place and go to a very class-less place (coincidentally, also on a rooftop) where I haven't laughed so hard in years! It was the best place to people watch!! I won't go into much detail except to say that I didn't know people like that existed in Portland! It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience as I'm pretty sure I will never be returing - mainly because we were really out of place. But it was definitely worth the experience!
Lynds and I at dinner
Lyndsey, Lawrence, Trac and I still classy at The Nines!
On the rooftop at Departure
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of us at the second place. But believe me, it was too good to be true :)
Probably better not to have pics from the "second" place, they could never compare to the mental images I have burned into my mind! Just thinking about it makes my stomach ache from laughing so hard!!!