After completing our lists, Brian decided it would be the perfect opportunity to go for his first 10 mile run (which ended up to be 11 miles!) I joked with him that if little guy decided to come that night, Brian would be too sore to be supportive. He would most likely have to sit down during the whole experience while icing his knees/calves/feet. I decided to go the opposite route with my afternoon and take advantage of my sister-in-law's offer and get acupuncture to hopefully speed things along. I am really hoping this will help motivate the little guy to start the process! We then met up with friends for dinner - it was my first time "dressing up" and not wearing sweats in over a week! After dinner, I was still feeling energized, so we decided to meet up with other friends at a BBQ. I think many people were surprised to see us out the night before D-Day!
Since today was both our first Mother's Day and Due Date Day, we really wanted to make it memorable. Brian started the morning by giving me my first Mother's Day present - a locket to put future pictures of our little guy in! I can't wait to be able to do that soon! After a leisurely morning (because we didn't have any more things to check off our lists!), we took advantage of another beautiful day and headed downtown with the doggies for a walk along the waterfront. I think everyone in Portland had the same idea as us as the walkways and grasses were packed with people, strollers and pets! After we navigated the crowds, we then decided that walking was another good way to get things rolling and met up for round 2 with Trav, Bridg & Lincoln on the opposite side of the river. I haven't had this much physical activity in a long time! And Brian was such a trooper considering how sore he was from the day before! We then finished up our Mother's Day with a BBQ at Trav & Bridg's. Gotta love this beautiful spring weather!
Beautiful Portland day!
Walking along the waterfront. I am only holding both of them for the photo opp. I could barely hold on to Bella - every time she saw a bird/person/dog/frisbee, it felt like she was going to pull my arm and the little guy right from my body! Needless to say, Brian ended up with both of them :)
This is what it really looked like on our walk. Brian is much better at man-handling them than I am - especially in my "fragile" state right now :)
Well, our due date has come and almost gone, and still no sign of the little man. Even after acupuncture and a long walk! Maybe tomorrow? We shall see!
I love this post! You will look back on it and wonder what life ever was like without the little man once he gets here. You look fantastic! Hopefully he will make his arrival soon!